So without further ado, I introduce the first initiates to my burgeoning Genestealer Cult: The cult of Askepios!
A small sample there of the disturbed creations I'm churning out just now. I've always wanted to do an army like this, obscure and heavily converted, there's an appealing sense of insanity about even taking such a project on! But, like my Brood Brothers, I'm devoted to the cause, and hope to keep the blog updated as to the progress of the rebellion. I've got plans for all the old favourites (from the 2nd edition codex) so you can look forward to seeing a purestrain Genestealer Patriarch, the psychic Magus, and the fanatical Cult Icon Bearer.
So how the Hell do I plan to field such an army, when there aren't any rules for them at present? Well it'll be 'counts as', counting as Imperial Guard. The cult, as I'll be fielding them, will already have had a fair amount of success in overturning the planetary authorities. They've captured munitions factories and 'liberated' transport vehicles, aircraft, and defence batteries from the Planetary Defence Force, and they're ready to use them! So it will be a heavily mechanised army. One of the 1750 point lists I'm looking at has 17 AV12 tanks in it. Yup. Pure cheese. I like to think of it this way - the Tyranids I'm playing are seeking to defeat their enemies by infiltration and disruption, so that's exactly what I'm doing with the Imperial Guard Codex! We'll see how it goes. In the meantime I'll be cutting, hacking, sawing, and getting out some 'Rage Against the Machine' CD's to get me in the mood for a revolution!!